Tuesday 22 September 2009

Pitch One

Feedback Evaluation
Why is the Red Rose Killer committing these crimes?

The reason why the Red Rose Killer is committing these crimes is because his wife left a letter with a Red Rose on top confessing committing adultery with work mate of Mark’s. Now he is killing because he wants to stop adulterous women from putting their husbands through the same heartache he has suffered.

Are you going to include the theme of religion throughout?

Yes, throughout the time in the death bed the character will wear a rosary to be symbolic to confessing his sins. We are also going to use religious quotes at the start and the end to show that the sins have been told.

What’s the reason why the character is dying?

The reason why the character is dying is because it is god’s punishment for the crimes the perpetrator has committed.

Overall positives and negatives :

Good Story Line
Good character development

Why is the Red Rose Killer committing these crimes?
Are you going to include the theme of religion throughout?
What’s the reason why the character is dying?

Here are a few questions we recieved during our first pitch feedback :

After receiving feedback from our pitch we decided in order to make our story clausable not random we asked students in our media class what “why would the killer turn to religion?” considering this is a strong theme within our film as we have religious quotes and references through out. In addition we also carried out some research with on the Internet of why people turn to religion.

Below is a table we made after asking thirteen people "why would the red rose killer turn to religion?", the slide that follows includes some research on Internet responses of why people turn to religion.

After presenting our pitch to our class and trying to make our story clausable we decided that this idea would not be suitable as murders were too hard to imitate and the story was getting complicated, we decided to pitch a whole new idea to our class.

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