Friday 2 October 2009

Why is sound important in film ?

In class we attended a workshop all about sound and why it is important in film. Before the workshop started we are asked to write down a few reasons why we though sound was important in film.

This is my intial list of why sound is important in Film :
- Sets the mood of the film
- Challenges the audience
- Builds tension
- Suggests the genre of the film
- In films such as SCI-FI which are not real special effects and sound can be used to make the story more belivable.

Audio Work shop

We then watched the video located below on the importance of sound :

From the video I have learnt that :

- Sound adds realism and emotion
- The audience will generally tollerate unclear video however never sound.
- Once you are able to controll sound you can do more with it.

The opening sequence of the ring was then played three times :

The first time it was muted and only video footage was played I realised that as a horror the film the tensions and suspense was destroyed because

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