Monday 30 November 2009

Voice Over Script Longer

There are not many things that I am scared of there are actually many things I enjoy, like swinging on the swings, and going round on the Mary go round, I love my friends Emily and Zoey and I know they love me too, we have so much fun.

We love going to the park, and lying in the grass, we could laugh all day long. I love going to the park its better than going home.

I’m scared of spiders I’m not even scared of ghost, even when my friends leave me I’m still not scared. The only thing that frightens me is a monster.

The monster I know isn’t like any other monster. He doesn’t live in my closet or under my bed.

He doesn’t only come out at night. I don’t really understand because I love him; He says he loves me. We still have fun too.
But playing hide and seek isn’t the same as before.

Because these days, if I lose the game, I lose sleep that night too.

I don’t know what to do, I’m so lonely sometimes

I know everything will be okay and the fear will go away,
Besides, the monster only comes out when the bottle is out.
But I’d still like to know why does he treat me so?

I’ll never be mad but I know there should be love & comfort at home.”
I created this scrap book to give me a visual idea what elements and images may be used in my poster :

Monster Script Draft #3

We see a shot of three girls hurrying to class (this is noted by the empty halls in the school and the fact that they are carrying books rushing) Right before Lilly goes into her classroom:

Lilly: Bye guys I’ll meet you after school. Same place as always!

Lilly walks into the classroom. Everyone looks at her and the teacher immediately tells her to sit down.

Ms. Harper: (Teacher gets up from her desk where she was busy doing something on the computer) Good morning class! I thought today we would do a fun writing activity.

Class: Awe (whiny, not waning to do it)- Lilly is seen and she does not participate in the whining.

Ms Harper: Now, now kids I mentioned it would be fun, so there is no need to panic. I want you to write about what you are most afraid of. It can be fictional or non-fictional. (A cut to a kid raising his arm, very eagerly) Wait Mathew let me finish then I’ll help you.

I am leaving that for you to decide. Say for example, if I were to write about my worst fear I would write about giant spiders attacking my house! (laughs) Anyway, get started now and you have until the end of the lesson, if you don’t finish it’s homework! (Sounds of the class whining again)

(The focus will start to go towards Lily. Due to an over the shoulder shot, we can start to see what she is writing. Her first written words are “I don’t have many things I’m scared of. There are actually many things I enjoy. (In the midst of that sentence the narration starts and there is a slow fade to three girls playing the park on swings, they are laughing and playing but the voice over covers up the sound from the park) There is a fade back to the classroom of Lilly writing.

Lilly(V.O. narration):” I’m not scared of spiders. I’m not even scared of ghosts. The only thing that frightens me in this world is a monster. (There is fade to Lilly walking along a fence and dragging the stick along the metal bars.)
The monster I know isn’t like any other monster. He doesn’t live in my closet or under my bed. He doesn’t only come out at night. I don’t really understand because I love him; He says he loves me. We still have fun too. (Fade to Lilly sitting on the ground in the park with her knees to her chest and her eyes covered with her hands. She uncovers her eyes and looks around, but there is no one there)
But playing hide and seek isn’t the same as before. Because these days, if I lose the game, I lose sleep that night too. I know everything will be okay and the fear will go away. (Fade to Lilly laying on the grass with a flower in her hand. She is laying on her back looking up at the flower as well as the sky. There will also be a POV shot of the sky at this point)
Besides, the monster only comes out when the bottle is out. (A fade of Lilly at the park watching an alcohol bottle float by in the pond. )
(We are now back in the classroom scene.)
But I’d still like to know why does he treat me so? I’ll never be mad but I know there should be love & comfort at home.”

As she finishes writing the essay. She puts down her pen and looks up. She is looking straight at the camera when she shuts her eyes. We then have sudden scenes of the film running backwards in about 5-10 seconds as there is a anticipating sound playing. We then have a mirage type scene where We are zooming into Lilly yet tracking backwards at the same time to create a "different world" feel. We cut to a black sillhouette shadow of a man raising his hand and then we hear Lilly saying "Daddy, No"(-The last scene will be very discrete and dark, the man will not be fully shown therefore we will not see his face, yet everything comes together at this point as it is clear who the monster really is.)

Monday 2 November 2009

This is the slum dog millionaire trailer and below i am going to analyse three different film posters for this movie :

The main colours used on this Slum Dog Millionaire poster are red, yellow and orange, although all these colours give off a warm vibe they all are used for different reasons. Red is stereotypically known as the colour of love and passion however, can also connote strong ambition and a will for fighting linking in with the theme of fighting for love in the film. The colour red additionally links directly to tag line of the film “what does it take to find a lost love” as red has an attached sigma to love. Other than the colour red the colours orange and yellow are used. The colour orange half way between red and yellow and can be said to be a corruption of the two colours being inseparably tied to the image of fire. The colour can be symbolic of energy, enthusiasm, 'get-it-done' attitude which links in with the characteristics and personality of Dev Patel as Jamal k.Malik in slumdog and could have been used to show the characters role in the plot of slumdog. Furthermore the colour introduces a very Indian based theme to the film as the colour orange is stereotypical of Indian culture. By using the colour orange the poster also introduces a theme of religion (Hinduism) which directly links in with Jamals character, religion is spefically referenced in the scene in slum dog in which the two boys are running away from the police in the slums and the Hindu god Rama appears showing the audience the path in which people chose in life. Other than the warm colours of red, orange and yellow, cold colours such as blue and purple have been used, blue and purple colours are used to contrast with the warm colours this is used for a number of reasons I believe the contrasts are used to show the two characters banished love this is mirrored by the female characters running actions as if she is running away from authority to be with Jamal. The colours also symbolise royalty suggesting a theme of money and riches with in the film. Also the colour addresses the famous quiz show “Who wants to be a millionaire?” again referring to money and the values of it. The female character is placed in the center of poster along with the male character, the lighting has been adjusted to make the female character look angelic like and pure. This suggests that she is the main female character in the plot and highlights her as the damsel in distress. This is contrasted with the orange colour of the male character which suggest his quest for her through out the film and possibly is pressure and tension during questioning game show. The main figures in this poster are the “Who wants to be a millionaire?” question board, the female character and male character.

The two characters are represented photographically and the “Who wants to be a millionaire?” board has been placed graphically. The messages with in the poster are both visual and verbal, visual being the two characters with desperate expressions longing for one another. The verbal message is the direct question towards the audience of “what does it take to find lost love?” which directly asks the audience to answer this gives the audience a message that with in the film there will be a film of love however also makes the audience start to think about their love live and perhaps, a lost love also.

The main figures in this poster are the “Who wants to be a millionaire?” question board, the female character and male character. The two characters are represented photographically and the “Who wants to be a millionaire?” board has been placed graphically. The messages with in the poster are both visual and verbal, visual being the two characters with desperate expressions longing for one another. The verbal message is the direct question towards the audience of “what does it take to find lost love?” which directly asks the audience to answer this gives the audience a message that with in the film there will be a film of love however also makes the audience start to think about their love live and perhaps, a lost love also.

I believe this poster can be aimed at a wide audience range; it is focused at a British Asian audience because it cleverly combines modern British society with Asian culture. It introduces many themes of stereotypical Asian religions such as Hinduism and Islam and introduces British culture with a British based TV show “Who wants to be a millionaire”.

All movie posters are set out for the same purpose this is to get the audience to watch the film from this poster I am persuaded to watch the film as they include the directors’ name in eye catching yellow writing. From seeing his name in this poster I will immediately recognise his other works of Danny Boyle and will want to see the film as I enjoy his style of work. Also I am drawn in to the film as on the poster I am asked a rhetorical question in which I cannot reuse to answer. In addition the audience wants to watch the film as they would have seen trailers and would like to know how a film based around a television program can turn into a convincing love story. The genres referred to are drama and romance, the codes and conventions that have been used through out the film are young lovers having an obstacle to loving each other.

In Slumdog Anil Kapoor is used a unique selling point for a bollywood audience as he is a well known actor in many bollywood films and a huge star success for India featuring in films such as welcome, race, no entry and yuvvraaj. Other than Anil Kapoor, Fredia Pinto is also used as a selling point for Slumdog as she is a professional model in India moreover dev patel is also recognised for his role as Anwar Kharral in 19 episodes of the british tv series Skins.

The tag line on this poster is this works well in a rhetorical format as it makes the audience question the themes with in the film by labelling with in the multiple choice answer questions. The tag line directly makes interaction with the audience by questioning them.

I do believe this is an effective poster because its eye catching through the chaotic colours in the back ground, the two main characters are placed well with in the frame this adds a theme of the characters always seeming to miss each other which fits in nicely with the narrative of slum dog millionaire. The title of eye catching which making you remember the title of the film. Furthermore the poster attracts an action based audience because of the chaos deliberately made on the poster and the tag line is smart which entices the audience to answer.

The information on the poster is important because it allows us to identify the genre of the film, in addition the writing placed at the bottom of the poster is extremely important as allows us to see all the companies that are involved in the film, from this we are able to remember any other films the companies such as Fox Search Light pictures and Warner Bros have been involved with such as Space Jam and Looney Tunes Movie and we can remember whether we enjoyed these according to whether we have or not this may influence us to see the film. The poster includes the peoples choice award logo this shows the audience that Slum Dog millionaire has been voted by other people as a good movie making he film seem more reliable, this persuades the audience to watch the film.

The film poster for any film is a very important element as this along with trailers and other advertisements aspects it entices the audience to watch the film. The film poster is crucial because it gives the audience a chance to see elements of the film with out telling the whole story. Film posters are used on buses, billboards, in telephone boxes and in the cinema and they stir a major source of publicity and advertisement, film posters are really one of the main important conventions of film advertisement.