Monday 14 December 2009

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

For our ancillary tasks we had to create a film poster, film opening credits and film review in film marketing all three of these products work together to promote the film. The film poster promotes the film, there may be several versions with different content these can be different in different countries, we created three different film posters which follows this. I believe all three of our poster promote the main message or our film and have a wide audience range.They do this through the tagline "Not all monsters live under your bed" which is a iroic pun as her dad is the one beating her, also the colour black represents and protrays a dark theme. The wrtting has been placed in orange matching the colour of the autumn leaves used in the poster which makes the writting stand out. The first thing that combines the title credits with the opening titles is the use of the handwritting and turnt lined pages as our first draft for our poster was orginally in lined paper however still link in with the handwritting font used on the poster. The opening titles are what the audience sees first when watching the film these are important because they give an insight to the type of film the audience is going to watch and also correspond with the film poster to work equally in advertising the film. The way in which the title credits play an important part with in the film advertisement is because they are the first glimpse of the film which means they must make sense and entertain the audience, normally if a film has rubbish title credits its reflective of the film. Title credits are also such a big part or a film as they can make or break an actor or director, this is because title credits highlight the actors and directors with in the film making them memorable and recognisable.The title credits link in directly with our film review as the first title on the film review is the film name like in the title credits. These also fit in nicely as they mention the directors name also and along with the titles promote and advertise the crew involved in making the film.The film review that would appear in a leading film magazine such as empire or total film, although the review is often wrote after the film it plays a fair job in advertising the film. Reviews often see the film depending on whether its a major block buster before the public has seen the film, they do this by going to film premiers. Reviewers by giving their verdicts on the film have a huge power to over the audience as they can persuade a person to watch or not watch a film. The main aim of a film review is to carry on advertising the film after its been released, good films will have several film reviews for example slum dog millionaire. For our magazine review we made it in the style of a total film magazine review, the fact that the review appears in this magazine advertises it immediately as it is one of the leading film magazines in the world, people by reading this magazine will realise that this review is of a trustworthy nature and can be falsed lead into any ting a reviewer says. We decided to use total film compared to filmstar as its more recognisable and there is more publicity surrounding the film.The film review directly links in with the poster as we use quotes from the film with in our text for example "Not all monsters live under your bed", another way in which the two work well together is the poster acts as a visual presentation of the film and the film review describes the visual presentation.

I be live that all our three ancillary tasks work well together as they both show similarities between them, for example our magazine review shows a happy image and corresponds with our film posters where we use happy images of the girls in our film to promote the film. Furthermore through out our magazine review we use quotes from the film, which support the review as it is being backed up by the film. They all work equally in the marketing indutry as the poster promotes the film and entices the viewers to want to watch the film, the title credits prepare the audience for whats to come with in the film and the magazine review anaylses and interprets the film persauding people to watch it.

Sunday 13 December 2009

In what ways does your media product use, develop and challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Our film follows the genre of a drama, the main aim of a drama is to create a believable and realistic story that shocks and conveys a serious message to the audience. Our story is based around the main message of domestic violence we mainly wanted to show that domestic violence can happen to anybody you know whether they are male or female, old or young. I believe by our film carrying this message we have followed the codes and conventions of a drama. By using a character that is represented as young, innocent and lovable we have challenged the stereotypical character used in a drama which is normally a character in their mid thirties who generally focus on a life breakdown or crisis. We have also developed the theme of domestic violence within our film, to do this we have steered away from the typical patriarchal oppression related to women and now focus on the oppression and deception of a young girl who evokes sympathy and vulnerability. We chose to develop the character because we looked at the representation of children, considering we live in a child centred society and children are precious to us we thought the film would evoke more feeling furthermore sympathy conveying the message of our film better. (The Little Princess) like our story focuses on a young girl who needs the love from her father, however is constantly isolated as he goes to war leaving her behind in a cruel all girls school in our story the character like in the (Little Princess) has a constant longing for love from her father and this evokes sympathy. From (The Little Princess) we have adapted the young and fragile character however (Provoked)is a film all about domestic violence between a young couple like provoked we have chose to use a more serious story line than (The Little Princess) by using the theme of domestic violence rather than basic isolation.We use a young female character to evoke sympathy and make the story more believable as women are represented as pure, fragile and need to be protected. In addition to back this up the story will be more believable as male characters are represented as strong and dominant. In conclusion one in four women suffer from domestic violence opposed to the one in ten male portion. In addition domestic violence towards males in society seems to be covered up and the story could seem a bad imitation on domestic violence rather than convey a the message sucessfully. In a drama it’s important to capture the mood and stableness of the character and this can often done through the use of lighting. In dramas the lighting is often made over contrast using too much light to show that the world around the character is at its natural state, this use of lighting highlights the fact that although the character is suffering the world around them still goes on. For example this is done often in dramas such as (Ashes to Ashes). On the other hand in Dramas like (Life on Mars) the lighting is made very dull this shows the realism of the characters life and the fact that nothing seems to surprise or thrill the character in The monster we have stuck to the codes and conventions of a drama by using dim light. On filming we were fortunate to get a permit to film in the park I believe the weather really worked to our advantage because the dull and isolated weather echoed the mind of our main character. Another way in which we created an isolated and unwanted character just like in (E.T) is through the use of misenscene which we kept to a bare minim, just like in dramas we only used the props necessary and did not over crowd the set. We have followed the codes and conventions of a drama as we have used flashbacks however we have developed them because by the end they tell the whole story. Furthermore we have challenged the general concept as they are used in more in a psychological way as you have to match the flashbacks along with the voice over in order for the story to make sense as the voice over and flashbacks have hidden meanings. In our story just like the film (Black) which is common in drama however it develops the voice over by combining it with music and challenges it because we use a child’s voice.
4. How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Media technologies with in the construction, research and planning of our film were deadly important. One major source of technology through out of our project was the Internet; the advantage of having the Internet is we would access information from all over the world. We used the Internet mainly for research for example, during the making of our film posters the Internet was useful to search different images which we created in to a scrapbook. We used sites such as Google, Yahoo and Ask Jeeves. One website we used immensely was Dafont, Dafont allowed us to experiment and view different fonts which we could test put in lowercase and uppercase, we were also allowed to download fonts which we could use with in our film, for example a main theme with in our film is writting we were able to download handwritting fonts which we could use in our film poster representing Lilly's handwriting as she writes her story. The fact we had the internet to search for fonts allowed us to develop the look of our poster more and we were not just limited to the basic fonts on the computer in programs like word and paint, so this was an advantage. Other than the Internet we had the help of Photoshop when creating our film reviews and film posters as opposed to other software's such as Paint. Photoshop is more advanced than Paint so we were allowed to overlap and create different layers and images on our poster. In addition Photoshop allows us to chose the size of canvas which we would be working on, this meant we could program the paper size to A4, this meant when printing any documents they would not have to been cropped to the right size. Premier like Photoshop is owned by Abobe this meant that there were similar features to one another making the software's easier to use. It is fair to say that with out Premier we would not have a film as this was our editing software. Premier was a good software as it was more advance to Windows Movie Maker this meant we had more effects with in our film. For example we were able to digitize our rushes on to the computer and watch them on a bigger screen, we could also drag them into the Bin and were able to label them this meant they were easier to find when editing. We could also set up a filing system with in the Premier program which allowed us to place all scene rushes into different files. Another advantage of Premier over Windows Movie Maker was that we had more effects we would use with in our film, for example we had more colour effects, transition effects and audio tweaks we could use to make our film more realistic and smoother. Other advantage of having a Blog rather than paper Logs is that we had easy communication with group members, for example we could post questions on group members blogs and we could leave feedback on other peoples work. Blogs helped majorly when it came to feedback as we were able to put people work up on the interactive boards, unlike regular whiteboards or chalkboards, we were able to work interactively with our blogs and could recieve feedback from our whole class on specific tasks posted on our blogs, we could also compare tasks such as the ancilliarly ones with other people work from other groups and in a way this could guide us. As blogger is an online program we were also near MSN Messenger, this is an online chat system which we were all very much familliar with this came in handy as we already knew how to use the program and rather than arranging meeting or making phone calls could arrange an online talk session on messenger, this meant we were able to keep in contact more regularly. The schools web mail was also useful as we were able to contact cast members and recieve teachers permission for their absences on the days of filming faster and effeciently as all teachers and students are programed into the system.

Other than the internet based programs we had the sound and camera equipment this was important as with out this there would be no film. The still cameras were useful and we were able to access them easily. With these we were able to take our still shots for location reeces and add them to our blogs. This advance in technology helped as we could upload the images rather than having to print the film from the camera and scan them like older cameras, this was just more time effeicent. The filming camera were also a big element of our filming as they allowed the dircetor and camera man to see the image of the film and the shot type on the view finder as it was being recorded from this the director could chose to set up another camera shot or angle making the cinematrography better. The cameras connected to the Windshield System by which we could record quality sound on. We had headphone that connected into the camera bu which we could pick up any unwanted sound saving us from making to record the scene again when editing. The Windshield system was attached to a boom pole by which we would get closer into the shot to pick up sound with out the camera seeing the Windshield system. Also when filming in Maysebrooke Park we were able to use the Hairy Harry in windy weather allowing us not to pick us this sound as much making natural sound and dialogue clearer.
here is the shooting schedule we prepared before our filming days :

Here is an email that a member of our group sent to Geoff Smith about a permit to fil in the park

Dear Geoff Smith,

I am a student at Barking Abbey School in Barking. I am currently doing my A2 Coursework for Media Studies. For the coursework we are instructed to create a 5 minute film. However some of our shots are needed to be filmed off the school grounds in a nearby park- Mayesbrook Park. I was wondering if we would need a filming permit from the city council for such a small project. We would only need to use the location for about 6 hours.

If you could get back to me as soon as possible I would really appreciate it.

Klaudija Alasauskaite

Here is the reply she recieved back from him :


Thank you for your enquiry.

The general rule is that you can film in any public space as long as it does not cause obstruction or nuisance etc. Filming in the public domain does not require a formal permission.

Of course you must have the permission of any of those taking part to be filmed.

As I am guessing that your crew is small and will not involve large equipment or vehicles I can’t see any issues with your enquiry.

Good luck with your filming.
This is a song by the famous singer Tracy Chapman. Th
e song is called behind the walls the lyrics are placed below :

Last night I heard the screaming

Loud voices behind the wall

Another sleepless night for me

It won't do no good to call

The police

Always come late

If they come at all

Last night I heard the screaming

Loud voices behind the wall

Another sleepless night for me

It won't do no good to call

The police

Always come late

If they come at all

And when they arrive

They say they can't interfear

With domestic affairs

Between a man and his wife

And as they walk out the door

The tears well up in her eyes

Last night I heard the screaming

Then a silence that chilled my soul

Prayed that I was dreaming

When I saw the ambulance in the road

And the policeman said

"I'm here to keep the peace.

Will the crowd disperse?

I think we all could use some sleep."

Last night I heard the screaming

Loud voices behind the wall

Another sleepless night for me

It won't do no good to call

The police

Always come late

If they come at all

The song is about a women who is abused by her patner and at first tried seeking help from the police however they never come. She then goes on to say how she cannot confide in the police as they come to late or never come at all. Although Tracy Chapman did not recieve help from her abusive patner her story is now heard through her the song "behind the walls" and has helped and inspired many through out abusive times. I believe this song links in with out story "The Monster" as just like Tracy Chapman the only way Lilly finds to tell her tale of her abusive father is through her story she writes in class.