Thursday 10 December 2009

Developmental Stages

Poster One

Here is our first draft of our posters, after showing this to our class we recieved some feedback, we were told that:

-The poster needed more colour however still needed to convey a dark message.
-We were also told that we needed to add the tagline of the film on the poster.
-We were also told to add more colour into the title to make it stand out more.
-We needed to add the happy aspects of her life too.

After recieving this feedback we added some leave into the poster not only did this symbolise her happy side of life at the park this also added colour to the poster. In addition we included our tagline "Not all monsters live under your bed in white and finally we added some colour into the title we chose orange to match the colour of the leaves used.

Poster Two

After creating our first

Here is the first poster that was made for our film, we received some feedback from the class saying that the film looked like a boxing film or a book cover. We were also told that there needs to be more on the main character of the film.

Here is the 2nd draft of this poster:

In this poster was endeavoured to add the friendlier side of the story and we added in Lilly and her friends on the merry go around. Although we still seemed that this did not fully promote our film so we decided to reevaluate the themes with in our film. .

Poster Sketches
Here are some posters we sketched for inspiration when creating our final poster on Photoshop, here we were able to combine all our ideas into one and to see what all group members wanted our poster to look like visually.

Poster Sketch 1

Poster Sketch 2

Poster Sketch 3
Here is the poster idea I sketched :

As you can see all sketches combine similliar ideas and themes, for example loneliness and isolation of the character, they also include similliar elements such as the fist, tree and main character.

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