Tuesday 8 December 2009

4. How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Media technologies with in the construction, research and planning of our film were deadly important. One major source of technology through out of our project was the Internet; this was mainly because we used the Internet helped us immensely. We used the Internet during our research scrapbook, for fonts and images related to our story for example we used google, ask jeeves and yahoo to research images of trees, doors and punches. We also used font websites such as Dafont.com to research handwriting fonts for our poster which could possibly match our title credits.

We also used the Internet in our magazine review so we could research the language layout, writ ting style used with in a certain style of film magazine review. We could also find a basic list of what a magazine review consists of and you could check out the website for the specific information on the magazine.

Our blogs were a major help when it came to feedback as we were able to view the peoples work on the interactive projector and the whole class could get feedback on different task and we could compare our ancillary tasks to others.

Other than the above, premier our editing software was also hugely important as with out this we would not be able to edit our film. Premier was important as it helped us make our film flow through transitions and we were able to add different effects on our film.

The still cameras were also important as we were able to take snap shots for our location recces which allowed us to check out our the postives and negatives of locations used.

The wildshield system was also deadly important as we were able to record sound for our film and the camera we used were important with out the camera and windshield system there will be no film.

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