Wednesday 2 December 2009

Before creating my film review page from a real running film magazine I decided to do some research about the layout.

Here is an article I found dicussing both Empire and Total Film I found this intresting because this was helpful when chosing what film magazine I would like my review to be in :

Introduction ~~
Total Film and Empire are probably the two most popular and widely available film magazines in England. Empire has been going the longest, (for as long as I can remember) and Total Film has been now going several years.
Both magazines include cinema reviews, videos to rent and buy, DVD’s, information on up-and-coming films and interviews with actors, directors, etc. I usually buy Total Film but have bought Empire a few times and still tend to buy it if there’s nothing good on Total Film.

The Reviews ~~
Well considering you buy these mags to find out what to see at the flicks or to decide what film to rent or buy this bit is very important. I cannot really say which magazine has better reviews as all of the reviews are wrote by different people. Most of the reviews in the two magazines are high quality and useful but some are just full of irrelevant drivel. And some of the top members on Ciao’s film reviews are easily better than reviews in these two magazines.
What I think makes Total Film win on reviews is that they still include lots of detail on less well-known and unusual films. Empire tends to only devote one or two paragraphs to these less well-known films and purely concentrates on Hollywood blockbusters.
Value for money ~~
Both magazines contain roughly 150 pages and unfortunately both have lots of adverts. Total Film costs £2.90 and Empire costs £3. So not much difference in price but I would certainly say Total Film is better value for money as it frequently includes a freebie.
Though if its just reviews your after both mags are bad value for money when you can get high quality and accurate reviews on a huge variety of films on Ciao.

Other bits about the magazine ~~
I personally prefer the layout and style of Empire though I suppose it’s a matter of personal opinion really. Empire is plainer and simpler and it is easier to be able to just pick up Empire anywhere inside and start reading. With Total Film you have to rely more on the contents.
One thing I like about Total Film is their coverage on unknown filmmakers and unknown films. And they include lots of information and advice for budding wanabee film directors. Even if your not considering making a film this section still makes good reading.
Both mags interview big, well-known famous faces – British and American stars. Total Film also reviews film websites, film hardware, videogames and film related books. Empire also reviews all of these except videogames. Quite useful really getting reviews on all of those as well as films.
Subscribing ~~
Like all magazines Total Film and Empire are desperate to get subscribers. Both do this by offering very competitive subscription rates. At the moment though if your looking at subscribing to one of the two, Empire will give you the best deal. Subscribing to Empire will give you a £1 off ticket at ABC and Odeon cinemas and U571 on DVD or video for free. Just a shame really that U571 was totally inaccurate and based entirely on lies. Though that’s totally irrelevant…

Overall ~~
Both magazines are good but if you are thinking of buying one of the two I would recommend you buy Total Film. Though as I said earlier if its just reviews you want your frankly wasting your time with Ciao and loads of other reviews all over the net.
However if your bored and need something to read I strongly recommend both, there’s quite a lot in them and there’s lots in to interest anyone remotely interested in films.
Here is my final film review after studying the style of 'total film' reviews to make the page look official I have added other film reviews which I have typed on films out in the cinemas currently.

These films were :

Twilight : The New Moon
Law Obiding Citzen

to make my film reviews seem more realistic I watched two of the films above in the cinema (Twilight and Nativity) and have researched about Law Obiding Citzen by purchasing magazines with the film review in and researching information about the film on the internet along with watching the trailor.

1 comment:

Demi Martin said...

I think this is a really strong magazine review, and looks like it fits within the house style of Total Film Magazine. Very good magazine style language is used aswell!

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