Sunday 13 December 2009

Here is an email that a member of our group sent to Geoff Smith about a permit to fil in the park

Dear Geoff Smith,

I am a student at Barking Abbey School in Barking. I am currently doing my A2 Coursework for Media Studies. For the coursework we are instructed to create a 5 minute film. However some of our shots are needed to be filmed off the school grounds in a nearby park- Mayesbrook Park. I was wondering if we would need a filming permit from the city council for such a small project. We would only need to use the location for about 6 hours.

If you could get back to me as soon as possible I would really appreciate it.

Klaudija Alasauskaite

Here is the reply she recieved back from him :


Thank you for your enquiry.

The general rule is that you can film in any public space as long as it does not cause obstruction or nuisance etc. Filming in the public domain does not require a formal permission.

Of course you must have the permission of any of those taking part to be filmed.

As I am guessing that your crew is small and will not involve large equipment or vehicles I can’t see any issues with your enquiry.

Good luck with your filming.

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